Dirección: Rogelio Ugarte 1474, Santiago | Teléfono: 2 2555 4313 / 2 25565865 | Correo: web@ipselectronica.cl | WhatsApp +56977986407 |
Sensor Supresor de Fondo 40x30x15 1-10SEG. 4-10CM. PNP L/D BGSDL10TPE
Código IPS: 651010
Modelo: BGS-DL10TP(E)
- Background/Foreground Suppression
- Opaque & Translucent Target Detection
- Compact
- Side Screw Mounting
- Self-contained
- Push Button Teach
- Digital Display
- Extremely Reliable BGS type with C-MOS sensing element and 1-point and 2-point teach modes with fine adjustment buttons. Repeat accuracy o 0.2mm for all targets including low reflectance flat black. 10% Hysterisis provides ultimate precision sensing. Highly visible red LED display. Includes programmable time delay.
- ø 1mm
- Red Semiconductor laser – Class 2 FDA, 650nm
- 1 mW
- 10 to 30 VDC
- 40mm to 100mm
- 1 each PNP Output
- Light-On/Dark-On selectable
- ABS enclosure, PMMA lens
- -10º to +40º C
- IP 67
- Cabled
- able 2m
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